Thursday, May 24, 2012

You may be as small as a peach, but you look like a baby to me!

B sent us an ultrasound pic of the little nugget today after her doctor's appt!  She is now 12 weeks and 3 days along.  Can you even believe how nicely posed this cute little bean is?!  It's like she's hamming it up for the camera like her daddy always does!  Meanwhile note, we still don't actually know if it's a boy or girl but I've been getting strong girl vibes so I've been internally referring to her as a girl. We're actually flying down to visit B on July 16th to find out the gender in person!  That will be at the 20 week mark, so hopefully we'll get really great ultrasound pics then!  I cannot wait!!!!

In the meantime, the baby's heartbeat was strong today.  I forgot to write down the actual bpm, but the doctor said it was good.  And they administered a quad screen for Downs, Spina Bifida, etc.  We haven't gotten the results yet.  Not sure when those come in.  Realizing as I type this that I need to follow up!  :-)

Anyways...just can't get over that sweet little face!


  1. Beautiful little bean!!! (Or peach!) Great update!

    1. Thanks!! Can't wait to see more ultrasound pics of your little one too!!! Hope all is well. I'm trying to get started on the lactation thing asap. Still can't get in touch with my doc but if he doesn't call me back by today I'm ordering without his input. ;-)

  2. Oh my goodness!! What a precious picture!!!! Starting to really look like a lil baby! Congrats!! <3

    1. Thank you!!! I can't believe how much the little bean has grown!! No longer a bean, but a peach it seems! We're definitely praying for you guys and your upcoming transfer.
